International trade digital exhibition
We invite you to participate in thе online exhibition of building materials and tools, which will be held on November 16 at 16:00 Beijing time. To receive a link to the exhibition, please contact the organizers by mail.
International trade digital exhibition of the SCO member states
November 16-25, 2022 CCPIT Cloud Exhibition Platform
CCPIT cloud platform

International trade digital exhibition of the SCO member states
November 16-25, 2022 Platform "CCPIT Cloud Exhibition" International trade digital exhibition of the SCO member states
The SCO plays an important role in promoting exchanges and cooperation among member states in various fields, in protecting and ensuring regional security and stability. Almost all SCO member states are involved in the One Belt, One Road initiative and thus represent an intercontinental bridge that ensures the connectivity of the Eurasian region and its outer space.
In order to accelerate the progress of industrialization and modernization in the SCO member countries, CCPIT actively promotes the innovative exhibition mode of the digital platform, and plans to hold an international digital trade exhibition for the SCO countries (Virtual Expo), promoting mutual trust and good neighborly relations. friendship with the SCO member countries, deepening economic and trade cooperation with the SCO member countries, as well as helping Chinese enterprises to find investment opportunities in the countries of Central Asia.
Тип: Продаю
Автор: Оксана Хакимова | Все объявления автора
Регист:Регист: с 22.11.2022 Зарегистрирован
Дата: 28.11.2022 23:26
Номер: 2544991
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